Friday 6 February 2015

Berkshire Mammals Group AGM and Wildlife Crime Talk


Our next indoor meeting is the Annual General Meeting at 7pm on Thursday 26th February followed by a talk given by PC Ian Whitlock who will speak to us about his work as a Wildlife Crime Officer.

Ian has been a Wildlife Crime Office for over two years and specialises in CITES (the Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora) and exotic animals.  He has run a number of investigations including taxidermy cases, bat roosts and puppy farming, and securing the first ever CITES prosecution for Thames Valley Police.  He aims to provide an overview of wildlife crime and the work in which he is involved, with examples drawn from experience and emphasizing mammal cases.

Talks are £4 for non-members and free to BMG members (why not join on the night? see Membership for more details). The University of Reading is kindly sponsoring this event by providing a venue and free admission to any current University of Reading students.

 The talk will be held in Room G74 in the Philip Lyle Building (near the Harris Garden) on Whiteknights Campus, University of Reading. The 20 and 21 buses both serve the Pepper Lane bus stop just outside the campus entrance (the stop after the main university one if coming from Reading town centre). Free parking is available in front of the adjacent Harborne Building in Car Park 13. Please use the Pepper Lane entrance to the university, turn right at the roundabout and then follow the road around until you reach the building, which will be on your right. For further details please consult the campus map, available here.

 The door to the building will be locked from 7pm onwards, so please try to arrive in good time (anyone arriving after 7pm will have to call a mobile number left on the door to be let in).

 As part of the AGM we will vote in the committee positions for another year. We currently have two vacant positions:

 1) Surveys Officer: To co-ordinate and organise species surveys and to maintain records submitted to the group

 2) Secretary: To take minutes during committee meetings and to oversee the general emails

If you are interested in either of these positions, then please get in touch at

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